About Chiropractic.

The Chiropractic philosophy is based on the premise that healthy nerve function equals a healthy body. When joints are restricted proper nerve messages are in turn affected and the muscles around the region become tight. This can lead to musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction as well as impacting on the internal organs supplied by the affected nerves.

Pain and Joint Function

The practice of Chiropractic is much more extensive than focusing solely on the spine. It is treating the biomechanics of feet, ankles, knees, hips, wrists, elbows, shoulders, TMJ and ribs. Our practitioner has lectured in the past on myofascial release techniques and trigger point therapy and practices with great focus on restoring functional biomechanics. This treatment includes craniosacral adjusting, muscle release techniques, activator instrument, low force joint mobilisation, organ massage, chiropractic manual adjustments. A particular interest in nutrition and supplements to support return to health is supported at the Clinic.

The Emotional Side

NET – Neuroemotional Technique is a bodymind technique. It is a physical technique that uses the Chinese meridian system to reduce the stress response in our bodies to emotional issues. NET may be incorporated into Chiro appointments in addition to regular adjustments. For more information on NET visit www.netmindbody.com

Our practitioner Jackie Castell has completed a year long course in Integrated NeuroImmunology. This is a new field of study looking at the interrelationship of our neurology with our immune system. This is a protocol which works to calm and support the HPA axis (Hypothalamus Pituitary Axis) and the deficiencies which may drive some of our long term health challenges. Her special interest is adrenal fatigue syndrome, women’s health and pregnancy recovery.

Retained Neonatal Reflexes

Jackie has been addressing the structural component of childhood reflex corrections for 18 years since working with the innovator of the field – Keith Keen. She has attended the full training for RNR corrections many times over the years and worked closely with other professionals who facilitate the integration of paediatric reflexes.  www.retainedneonatalreflexes.com.au

“Illnesses do not come upon us out of the blue. They are developed form small daily sins against nature. When enough sins have accumulated, illnesses will suddenly appear”. Hippocrates

For more information www.jackiecastell.com.au  

Chiropractors at SEH:

Jackie Castell.

Danielle Simonet.