What is Energy Healing?

Like everything in our physical world, our human bodies are made up of energetic substance, a substance that is most delicate in nature and finely tuned to sense anything that doesn’t belong to the harmony that we innately are within. This makes our body an invaluable marker of truth for it cannot lie about what is either healing or harming to us.

Despite what we may think on a conscious level is ok and tolerable to live with such as holding onto a resentment or hurt by another’s actions, any emotional reaction that we don’t address within ourselves is immediately registered as harming to the body.

This disturbance may quickly show itself in symptoms that we recognise are associated with our emotional reaction such as feeling worried and getting a sensation of knots or butterflies in our tummy or conditions that develop more slowly over time that can become more chronic in nature such as irritable bowel syndrome.

 Whilst we need to attend to what is required on a medical level to diagnose and treat our health conditions, it is also important that we ask the deeper questions of what our body is communicating with us on an energetic level, specifically what it is clearing and why? For without this understanding, we will likely react to any discomfort we experience by seeking a solution to make it better but neglecting to address the root cause of why we have it.

Bringing this into the context of what energy healing is, the first principle of healing is that the practitioner is not there to bring healing to the client by sending or giving energy but rather by holding a quality of space that supports them to deeply settle, let go and allow the in-built response of the body to do what it is designed to do – to clear what doesn’t belong to it.

 The application of gentle healing techniques such as esoteric massage and connective tissue therapy can support immensely with this surrendering process by introducing a quality of deep nurturing and care to the body so that we can register on very important thing – that it’s safe to let go of protection.

Once this shift happens immense healing can occur for the client on many levels, whether that be of a physical condition such as back pain, chronic fatigue or indigestion or on an emotional level where a long-held reaction such as frustration, sadness or anxiousness can be cleared from the body and settlement restored.

 If you would like to know more about the energy healing therapies offered by Alison Mooney at Sydney Essential Health please click here.

Alison Mooney

Alison Mooney works as a counsellor and practitioner of energy healing therapies, bringing a depth of wisdom and insight to the relationship between our thoughts, feelings and emotions and how these impact on our physical health and wellbeing.

Alison works with a number of different energy healing therapies that are very gentle and relaxing in nature, especially if there has been a build up of stress and nervous tension in the body including Esoteric Massage and Connective Tissue Therapy.

As a trained counsellor, Alison also works with individuals and couples across a wide range of topics such as lack of confidence and self-worth, worry and anxiety, panic attacks, depression, difficulty with communication and lack of intimacy in relationship.


Irritable bowel syndrome and our digestion of life.