Onsen Technique.

The Onsen technique is a combination of the therapeutic practices of Muscle Energy Technique, Post Isometric Relaxation and Transverse Friction Massage. This therapeutic technique balances the musculoskeletal system to promote healing and good health.

The Onsen technique uses methods to analyse and identify these minute structural and functional deformities and helps to correct them. In this manner, it provides long term pain relief and ensures optimum functioning of the different parts of the body.

The Onsen technique uses assessment tools from Muscle Energy Techniques to assess structural deviations and joint restrictions combined with Range of Motion testing and muscle strength testing. Trained therapists use Muscle Energy Techniques, Post Isometric Relaxation and Transverse Friction Massage to correct restricted joints, poor posture and to increase the range of motion of the spine and other affected parts of the body. They assess the structural condition of the body and the form and function of bodily movements to identify areas that are suffering from restrictions. Once these areas are identified, hands on treatment and gentle stretching is carried out to correct these imbalances.

The Onsen technique provides long lasting pain relief as it is an integrated whole body approach that seeks to eliminate the very cause of pain rather than the attempting to merely eradicate the symptoms. Not only does the Onsen technique provide relief from chronic pain, but it also helps to strengthen weakened muscles. It is also very useful in dealing with restricted movement in joints and associated conditions.

Another benefit of Onsen technique is that it helps to improve the posture of the body and helps to counteract the effects of old age as it offers a method of continuous assessment and correction of any restrictions to the body.